Sardinia Retreat

moving with the dancing stones

What is Amerta-movement ?

4mengroup from hamburg in indonesia

Life is movement ,movement is life
Amerta Movement is a movement approach initiated by the Indonesian movement artist Suprapto Suryodarmo.
Rooted in Javanese philosophy and meditation, Amerta Movement is both improvisation in context and a movement practice that cultivates a specific attitude towards life. Amerta Movement is a path of receptivity and awareness.The training of the movement-art Amerta is a training in the acceptance of the moment.
This means to let you be touched by the truth of the temporary moment and to express emerging impulses through yourself always staying in the present.
It´s important to try to transform the experience of the personal movement into language even if all the words cannot describe what changes in every moment.
To achieve this Reflecting on the movement and sharing what happened create a deeper understanding of the process.
The focus is always on the question: "What am I doing right now?"
This is how you get to the issues that move you the most.
This is a basic condition for every creative person who is searching for his or her form of expression and inner alignment.
Everything is possible. Any expression, gestural, mimic, acoustic. The theme focuses and gives form to the expression.
Amerta Movement integrates all forms of movement (dance, struggle, everyday life,...) and leads them back to their essential power stream;thus becoming an ongoing creative process.
In Amerta -Movement you recive all sensations of your body and from your environment and you focus the movement in one aspect of perception in order to unfold the whole spectrum of possibilities of movement. To experience all the shadows of this new perceptions you can practice Amerta Movement in public space, in the Nature, and sacred places.
Amerta Movement works in different levels: spirituality, art and healing.
The practice is:
Free from all concepts, forms, methods, conventions, and isms.
eine Bewegungskunst